• VectorSearch & AI Assistant

    VectorSearch & AI Assistant

    Some time ago, I was writing about how OpenAI and Cognitive Search could change enterprise search. Today, I will discuss another approach : vector databases for enterprise search; and how the generation of answers augmented by document retrieval (RAG) can rely on vector comparison. I will briefly explain the concepts of embeddings and vectorization, and… Read more

  • News on Azure OpenAI (June 2023)

    News on Azure OpenAI (June 2023)

    OpenAI and Azure OpenAI are leading the generative AI market, gaining significant traction. OpenAI’s groundbreaking GPT models and continuous advancements make it a frontrunner in language generation. Azure OpenAI, a collaboration between OpenAI and Microsoft Azure, brings generative AI to a broader businesses audience through scalable cloud infrastructure. Together, they drive adoption, shape the future… Read more

  • Azure Language : Auto-labeling with GPT

    Azure Language : Auto-labeling with GPT

    Azure Language Azure Language is a specialized cognitive service within the Azure Cognitive Services suite that focuses on Natural Language Processing (NLP). It works in conjunction with Azure OpenAI to provide comprehensive language processing capabilities. Azure Language provides a variety of services including text analytics, sentiment analysis, entity recognition, translation, speech recognition, and language understanding.… Read more

  • Prompt Engineering – Communicate with LLM

    Prompt Engineering – Communicate with LLM

    Prompt Engineering refers to the process of designing and crafting effective prompts or input instructions to guide the output of the language model. It involves carefully constructing the initial text given to the model to obtain the desired results. This is crucial for obtaining better results because the model’s output heavily relies on the provided… Read more

  • Enterprise GPT

    Enterprise GPT

    As mentioned in my previous post (Azure OpenAI), “Enterprise GPT” is an integration of Azure OpenAI with other cognitive services aimed at providing a ChatGPT-like experience based on internal company data. To achieve this goal, Azure OpenAI is paired with Azure Cognitive Search to provide answers based on internal company documents (HR, legal, marketing, etc.).… Read more

  • Azure OpenAI

    Azure OpenAI

    OpenAI in Azure If you’re interested in AI, you’ve undoubtedly heard of OpenAI and its AI models (ChatGPT, DALL-E, Codex). The most curious among you also know that OpenAI is in partnership with Microsoft for the use of the Azure cloud and AI development. The goal here is to accelerate research around generative AI and… Read more